Worst Habits of Chewing

Digestion begins in the mouth, not the stomach. According to Healing Nutrition's founder Johanna P. Salazar, MS, RDN, chewing reduces meal size and activates salivary glands.

Heartburn aches. Increasing stomach acid during chewing. It facilitates digestion. If you don't thoroughly chew your food, according to Salazar, your stomach won't have enough acid.

Inadequate chewing causes damage to the intestines. When food enters the small intestine, the pancreas secretes enzymes and the gallbladder produces bile. Both digest food, but only to a certain degree.

Inadequate chewing causes damage to the intestines. When food enters the small intestine, the pancreas secretes enzymes and the gallbladder produces bile. Both digest food, but only to a certain degree.

These substances are taken up by the small intestine, where nutrients are absorbed.

Overeating could be unpleasant. When you eat with awareness, you might take note of the food's appearance, aroma, texture, and flavour. By doing so, you may better enjoy your food and let your body know when you're satisfied.

For each swallow, don't overthink how many chomps to count. Chew the food until it becomes liquid like baby food. Well-chewed food, in Dr. Rao's opinion, has lost all texture.